If you were to ask the type of SEO companies Singapore firms already trust with their search engine optimization how to go forward, you probably would get a very weird answer. SEO companies that truly know the search engine optimization game on a local level in Singapore would tell you that you already have an asset. They would tell you that you just need to build on this asset to maximize your search visibility.
You’re probably scratching your head. What kind of asset do you have? You might have a business that barely put up a website. You might be thinking that you don’t have all that many social media accounts. What kind of asset can you build on to maximize your search engine exposure? Your primary asset, if you run a local company that has been around for a while is your actual customer base. These are flesh-and-blood human beings that physically show up on your business’ premises. These are your best assets. These are your existing customers.
Since most consumers have bought mobile devices, more and more consumers in Singapore and elsewhere are connected to the Web on a 24/7/365 basis. Everything they do, it seems, passes through, is powered by, or is otherwise informed by and shaped by the Internet. Use this fact to your advantage. Your wired consumers can become your brand’s most effective evangelists-should you allow them.
Unfortunately, too many local Singapore businesses completely overlook them. They treat these people like they don’t exist as far as these companies’ search engine optimization campaigns and strategies are concerned. What a tragedy because if you think about it, these are the best people to start with because they have first-hand experience with what you have to offer. You don’t have to come up with blog posts after blog posts talking about how awesome your service is. Instead, you work with information provided by people who actually have had an opportunity to experience whatever it is you sell, whether it’s a service or a product. It doesn’t really matter. They have first-hand experience.
If you ask the type of SEO company Singapore firms trust, this would be their advice. They would tell you that you should maximize the value of your promotion dollars by building on what you already have. This is much better then coming up with something completely new. This is much better than coming up with content marketing, social media marketing, and all sorts of online and digital marketing. Those not only take up a lot of time, but they also burn through a lot of cash.
It would be great to reduce your overall marketing budget by simply leveraging the social media reach and existing brand power you already have with people who have already encountered, interacted with and benefited from your brand. I am, of course, talking about your actual customers.
Workable Strategies
How exactly do you tap into your existing customer base? How do you get them to perform like some sort of online promotional army? Most importantly, how do you minimize your costs when trying to pull this off? It’s actually quite simple because you have to understand that by and large, people are not incentivized by money in an online context. What if I told you that the vast majority of your customers probably would not be motivated if you were to give them 25 Singaporean dollars for mentioning their brand or doing something for your brand? They couldn’t care less.
Most of the time, they would prefer some sort of digital premium. In fact, a lot of people are greatly motivated just because you mentioned their name online and in printed materials. Do you see how this works? In many cases, psychological rewards are much more effective than financial rewards. So, ease up on the cash prizes or cash rewards. Focus on discounts. Focus on reputational rewards. Focus on symbolic or token rewards. Believe it or not, in many contexts and in many situations, these are just as good as financial rewards.
I know it sounds crazy. I know it’s definitely unexpected, but this is the reality and sadly, too many local Singapore businesses just crank out a lot of cash in the hopes that their existing local base would generate enough social media heat and buzz that these would translate to a lot of local media attention. Completely wrong. Your brand would be better served if you dial down on the cash incentives and focus more on psychological incentives like print ad mentions or newsletter mentions, that kind of thing.
This is the key to getting a tremendous amount of value from your existing user base. And the best part to all of this is that it doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. How does this exactly translate into more love from search engines for your local company? It plays out this way. When you get people to talk about you online on social media, it’s very easy for that chatter to spread. Social media, after all, is social. There’s a lot of viral or exponential messaging going on. When people have friends and they talk about certain things, some of their friends would rebroadcast that information and if other friends like what they see, they would rebroadcast that. Do you see the pattern here? It gets bigger and bigger and the reach gets wider and wider.
You use this to your advantage by making your local brand part of the conversation. The more people talk about your brand, the more likely it is that local media players would be interested. This is especially true if the talk centers on something mildly controversial or something that’s trendy in your local market. It’s not rocket science. It doesn’t really involve a tremendous amount of drama or some sort of unnatural promotional element. But it does require some thinking. It requires quite a bit of strategizing. It’s low on cash and heavy on analysis.
The good news is, you get many bites at the apple. If your first buzz building campaign doesn’t work, try and try again until you get it right.